This used to be a short cut for motor traffic. It's now a place for people.

Mar 01, 2024

This used to be a short cut for motor traffic. It's now a place for people.

This community space was originally reclaimed by the Journeys team as part of a wider transport project.

It was then handed across to the Places team to turn it from empty carriageway into a place that could support the local community and economy.

That's the Journeys & Places programme working as planned.

After a period of testing new ideas, we're now moving into the phase of designing a permanent public square.

Tomorrow the team will be in this space engaging with the community, listening to local peoples views on how this space can evolve.

Amazing work by Clare Moloney and Dimitra Kosmidou who are steering this project through, supported by many other members of the J&P team.


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