Pancake Feedback

family quote of the week Mar 03, 2024

Pancake feedback 🥞

This morning I made homemade pancakes for the first time in a long time.

The shop bought ones we normally buy have ingredients in them that we can’t pronounce.

We figure that’s probably not good.

So I made the batter.

Milk, eggs and flour.


As I made them we discussed feedback.

We talked about how I needed to hear what people thought:

- Thicker?
- Thinner?
- Crispier?
- Softer?

We explored how we might each have different feedback depending on our own perspectives.

It made me thing that I need to get better at feedback at work:

- ask for feedback more
- offer more feedback
- encourage others to feedback to each other

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” Ken Blanchard


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